Boekverslag : Graham Greene - Doctor Fischer Of Geneva Or The Bomb Party
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 790 woorden.

Standaard vragenlijst

plaats/jaar uitgave : 1980 London

genre : novel

2 biografische gegevens: Graham Greene was born in 1904. On coming down from Balliol College, Oxford, he worked for four years as sub-editor on The Times. He established his reputation with his fourth novel, Stamboul train. In 1935 he made a journey across Liberia, described in Journey Without Maps, and on his return was appointed film critic of the Spectator. In 1926 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church and visited Mexico in 1938 to report on the religious persecution there. As a result he wrote The lawless roads and, later, his famous novel The power and the glory. He died at 1991.

3 korte samenvatting: The story is situated in Geneva.Dr Fisher is a very rich man. His wife is dead and he has one daughter whose name is Anne Luise. Alfred Jones (the most important person in the story) maried Anne Luise. Anne Luise hates her father. When the rich father of Anne Luise invites him for a party he is doubting if he’s going. There are a lot of rumours about the party so he is not sure what kind of party it is. The friends of Dr Fisher are not really friends, because he bought them with presents. At every party he gives the friends(in the book he calls them toads) an very expensive present. But before they got the presents they have to do something for Dr Fisher first. Alfred Jones has been to the party and he discovers these secrets which even the daughter of Dr Fisher didn’t know. He was left when the party was not over yet.

Alfred Jones has lost both of his parents and his first wife (they are all dead). He is much older then Anne Luise, but that doesn’t matter, because they are very much in love.

Then Anne Luise and Alfred Jones are going on a skiholiday, but Alfred thinks he is too old, so only Anne Luise is going to ski. But then there is an accident and Anne Luise died. He is very sad and wants to kill himself, but then he gets an invitation for the last party of Dr Fisher. He decides to go. At the party they all have to do an assignement, the assignment is to take a change and risk your life. He has notes and on that he noted wrong or right. When there’s wrong on your note a bomb is going to explode a bomb and (only) you are dead. Alfred hoped he had the wrong note, but he has a right note. Dr Fisher has the wrong note , but there isn’t an explosion. After that Dr Fisher picks up a gun and kills himself. Alfred is thinking of doing that too, but he thinks that when he kills himself he isn’t going to be in heaven with Anne Luise.

4 titelverklaring: the story ends with a party and on that party a bomb should explode, but the bomb doesn’t explode. Then Dr Fisher kills himself.

5 korte beschrijving van het belangrijkste thema:

That’s the love between Anne Luise and Alfred Jones, It’s really true love.

6 vanuit welk perspectief: The I person in this story is Alfred Jones. He goes to two of the parties and married the daughter of Dr Fisher.

7 Waar en wanneer speelde het verhaal zich af: The story is set in Geneva and happened in the 20th century.

8 hoofdpersonen:

naam : Alfred Jones

functie/rol : The most important person

onderlinge relatie : married the daughter of Dr Fisher (Anne Luise)

milieu : poor

Naam : Anne Luise Fisher

Functie/rol : the daughter of Dr Fisher

Onderlinge relatie : married with Alfred Jones and is the daughter of Dr Fisher

milieu : not poor and not rich

naam : Dr Fisher

functie/rol : Gives parties

onderlinge relaties : not really a relationship

with both of them.

Milieu : rich

9 geef een oordeel :

In this book there are no flashbacks. The story is

very weird, but it could have happened in the

reality, because there are very weird people in

this world. The book hasn’t bidden me something

new. I learnt from reading it, but that’s

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