Boekverslag : Mark Twain - The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 701 woorden.

3. The best passage of the book.

This passage comes from chapter 14. Here are Huck en Jim still on the raft and just wandering around, doing some ‘philosophy’. I like this part of the book the most, because it’s all most the only time I can see myself in Huck and Jim. Because I wonder about that sort of stuff all the time. Like does god really exist, and where does the universe stop. During the book I felt lots of time surprised. Because I couldn’t imagine why Huck took certain decisions. So I couldn’t really find myself in the book accept for this passage. And that’s why I choose this passage.

24a. Short summary

Huck lives with widow Douglas who civilises him. When his father comes back in town he’s kidnapped by him, because of his fortune he had earned with his friend Tom sayer. Huck runs away from his father to Jackson’s Island where he meets Jim. Afraid to be found they go downstream on the river Mississippi. Their raft hits another boat and the two boys are separated. Huck now lives with the Grangeford family. At first they seem nice, but later he finds out that they aren’t. Later Jim and Huck meet again and continue their raft trip with two frauds. But they betray Jim and sell him to Tom’s aunt. To rescue him Huck makes a plan and Tom joins him. But the plan fails and Jim is recaptured. Then Tom tells everyone the whole truth. Miss Watson feels sorry for Jim and sets him free. Eventually it seems that Jim had been a free man for two months and Tom says that he tried to rescue Jim for the adventure. Now Huck hears that his aunt Sally wants to adopt him, but he doesn’t like the idea of being civilised again.

31. Top three quotations.

P. 50: Miss Watson would say, ‘Dont put your feet up there, Huckleberry’; and ‘dont scrunch up like that, Huckleberry – set up straight’; and pretty soon she would say, ‘Don’t gap and stretch like that, Huckleberry – why don’t you try to behave?’

I’ve picked this quotation because civilising Huck comes two times in the book. In the very beginning, when Miss Watson and widow Douglas want to civilise him; and he doesn’t! And you can tell that he hates being civilised, because when he is beat up by his dad, he still says: ‘Well I’m glad that I not have to be civilise.’ And a part about civilising Huck comes back in the very end, when his aunt Sally wants to adopt him, and he doesn’t because he doesn’t want to be civilised. That why I picked this quotation, because civilising is a very important part of the book, because it had allot to do with the main character, Huck.

P. 175: ‘When I got down out of the tree, I crept along down the river bank a piece, and found the two bodies laying in the edge of the water, and tugged at them till I got them ashore; then I covered up their faces, and got away as quick as I could. I cried a little when I was covering up Buck’s face, for he was might good to me.’

I picked this quotation, because it was the part of the book that I found the most shocking. After I read this part I was still for a few minutes, because I couldn’t imagine how people could do such a thing.

P. 318-319: ‘Well, then, what we giong to do, Tom?’ ‘I’ll tell you. It ain’t right, and it ain’t moral, and I wouldn’t like it to get out – but there ain’t only just the one way; we got to dig him out with the picks, and let on it’s case-knives.’ ‘Now you’re talking!’

I picked this quotation, because not only is it a part that’s important to the book, because it shows how much Huck cares about Jim, because he cares so much to get him free, and he will do everything to accomplice that. But also because it’s a very exciting part. I didn’t want to stop reading because I really wanted to know what would happen next.
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