Boekverslag : Nicolas Pine - Lights Out
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Lights out

Author: Nicolas Pine

1. Mandy Roberts: She is the daughter of Vernon and Barbara Roberts. She has green eyes and shoulder-lenght brown hair. She goes to senior class after the vacation. She had a very hard time after her father died. In that time she did not want to see anybody. She has no symphatie for her stephfather. She is very lonely in the time after her father died. She has a strong character and she is not believing everyone, who says what.

Vernon Roberts: He is very kind to everybody. He is a guidance canceller and an English teacher at Central academy. He also coaches the golf team and was the faculty sponsor for the drama team. He has been murdered.

He was very close with his daughter and wife, and for everyone on the Central academy.


On graduation day the music suddenly died, when the graduation seniors came in. Mandys father, Vernon Roberts, was going to repair it. He got an Electric jolt and died. Mandy wouldn`t talk to anybody. She only wants to stay in het room. If it is dark she sees shadows in her mind. First they thought that it was an accident but they find out that he had been murdered. When Mandy was at the graveyard, Jimmy came. They argued and Mandy thought that he murdered her father. When Mandy came home she saw Harlen Kingsley, the new asistent princepal. She didn`t like him. Later they say that they were going to marry. When Mandy was at the graveyard an other time, coach Chadwick came. Mandy said that she didn`t like him. He said that he also didn`t like him. He said that he was going to marry her for her money. Mandy thought he was going to kill her mother and she told Tara and Steve about it. They are friends of her, and so they started to find out things about him. They went to Vermont. In a libary, Mandy got to know that Kinsley had a wife and that she died at Mount Adams. Mandy thought he killed her. When Mandy came home, her mother and Kingsley said that they were going on vacation to Mount Adams. They wanted that Mandy came with. First she didn`t want, but she did went, because she thougt that he was going to kill her mother there. She was very ter- rified of him. She didn`t call the police, because they wouldn`t believe her. Instead of the police, she called coach Chadwick, she trusted him. But he wasn`t home. Suddenly coach Chadwick and Jimmy came. Mandy thought that Kingsley and Jimmy were both killers but Kingsley denied everything and then he told everything about coach Chadwick.

And that he was forced to put the electric on the thing that Mandy`s father was going to make at the graduation day. After Jimmy said this, coach Chadwick tried to kill all of them and shot Jimmy but he didn`t die. Then he wanted to kill mandy and Kingsley but Kingsley hit him so hard with the ski-pols. And when he started to rise the ski-lift jerked him up and coach Chadwick died. Kingsley had to go to jail and when he came out, Mandy passed her exam. Brett, a friend that mandy was going steady with in the vacation called, (they didn`t steady because of her fathers dead and mandy wouldn`t see him also because of his death) and they would see each other at Mandy`s home.

If the book were filmed:

I think that if the book were filmed, it wouldn`t be suitable for young children. There are a few passages, which are not nice to read, and I think it isn`t good for children to see that. There is a person who is murdered and a murder isn`t ever good to see for young children.

Two thrilling passages:

I think that the author succeed in making these passages, because of in these passages there will be happen a murder and there is gone be find out who has killed Vernon.

Title fit up?

Yes, I think the title is fitting up. For Mandy`s father the lights went out. Mandy thinks about it every time when it`s dark in her room. For her the lights went out too, because she wouldn`t see anybody and she didn`t know how to get over it.

1. I think that what you reading is also frightening as when you see it. When you reading you make your own thinking and form your own notion of the book. Mayby it is even more frightening than when you see it.

7. I think that if somebody don`t like horror books, he don`t even think about it to buy a horror book. So I think horror books can be sell to everyone who wants it to read.

2. Horror movies whit sound, are really horrible and I think that it`s true, that books without sound are less horrible.

4. I`m not connecting with this statemant. Someone who writes books, doesn`t matter which cathagorie, must be very calm. Because you must vere patient, to write any kind of books.

8. I doesn`t connecting with this statemant either. There are lots of shocking things in the society and reading is for pleasure, and not to be amused, because the society is very boring.
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