Boekverslag : Christopher Marlowe - Doctor Faustus
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 284 woorden. |
Title Doctor Faustus Author Christopher Marlowe, ed. by Roma Gill 9th impression, 1985(1965). London, A&C Black, New York, W.W. Norton. (100 p.) The book Doctor Faustus has a pretty obvious message: don't do what God has forbidden, and don't try to exceed him in knowledge or power. If you will, God will punish you, and you'll and up in hell. You can easily find this message in the book. Faustus, the main character, sells his soul to the devil, in order to get all the knowledge there is in the universe. A good angel tried to discourage him, but it wouldn't work. Faustus doesn't believe in heaven or hell, so he isn't afraid of ending up in hell. During the play, the good angel tries to end his co-operation with the devil. According to him, it wasn't too late! If Faustus would have implored forgiveness, he still would have got mercy from the Almighty God. But Faustus just keeps on ignoring him, and even conjures up the spirit of Helen of Troje, and sleeps with her. But when the time has come, that he should go to hell, he starts begging, but it is too late: even God has turned away from him, and Faustus will stay in hell forever. The meaning of the author is that everybody should behave as God wishes. But I don't think it will work, because people always keep on fighting and arguing, and always keep on trying to exceed Him. It is the same with me; according to the message in the book, I should behave well. But I know that I and every other person in the world, never will be a saint. |
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