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Boekverslag : Ira Levin - A Kiss Before Dying
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 1286 woorden. |
Part One Chapter 1 There’s a boy who has ‘big plans’ with his girlfriend but she is pregnant and that ruins all his plans Chapter 2 His past is described. In a schoolfight he banged the head of another boy against the ground again and again. He killed a japanese soldier when he was in the army. He has a cruel, cold-blooded character. Chapter 3 He gets some abortion-pills. Her past is described. (Zie blz 27 onderaan: Dorothy had been…) Dorothy went to Stoddard University and her sister Ellen went to Caldwell University Chapter 4 The pills didn’t work and he makes plans to kill her Chapter 5 He steals arsenic for killing Dorothy. Chapter 6 He wants to have his picture from Dorothy. He gets it and burns it. Chapter 7 He wants to have a Spanish suicide note to translate and let Dorothy translate it. He send it to her familie. Chapter 8 He gives her pills (the arsenic-pills). He tells her that the first ones were not right. She promised to take the pills. Chapter 9 The posted suicide note arrives at 3 o’clock to Ellen. He has to kill Dorothy before 3 o’clock. She hasn’t take her pills. Chapter 10 They go to the Blue River Municipal Building which got 14 story’s. Chapter 11 In the buildings’ elevator he pretends not to belong to Dorothy. He makes sure that they’re half an hour early. They have to wait on the roof. Chapter 12 She confesses she didn’t take the pills. He pushes her from the roof into the airshaft. Chapter 13 He gets rid of her stuff (burning of books) Chapter 14 Annabelle Koch’s story. Chapter 15 He goes home, he has a summer job and he starts reading murderstories. Part Two Chapter 1 Annabelle Koch writes a letter to Mr. Kingship. Ellen won’t feel herself guilty. Ellen writes a letter to Bud Corliss. It’s ironic that Ellen gives all the information to Bud about what she’s gonna do to find the killer of Dorothy. Something old, something new, Something borrowed, something blue (marriage : In England it’s an old habit that you wear something old, new, borrowed and blue at a marriage). Chapter 2 - 4 Ellen goes to the Dean of Stoddard University. Dorothy wrote in her letter that her boyfriend was a handsome blond blue-eyed boy. Ellen looks for that kind of boy’s. She finds two boys: Dwight Powell and Gordon Gant. First she goes to Gordon Gant. She says to his landlady that she is his cousin. Gordon Gant finds her when she was running away. Chapter 5 She looks for Dwight Powell. He works in a drugstore. They make a date and she still doesn’t know which of the two has killed Dorothy, but she thinks Dwight killed her. Chapter 6 Evlyn Kittredge = Ellen (Gordon Gant is vertrouwenspersoon geworden) Ellen is testing Dwight with questions about the Municipal Building. When they walk beside the building and Dwight told there are 14 story’s, he didn’t look up. (Ellen heeft dezelfde glimlach als Dorothy (zegt Dwight ook) (Dorothy was te serieus) Ellen called Gordon Gant and he warns her because Dwight could be the killer. Chapter 7 She takes him to the roof of the Municipal Building. Dwight tells her that he had a relationship with Dorothy. Something’s dropping out of her bag with her name on it and he grasps it. He sees her real name. Chapter 8 Ellen tells him that Dorothy was pregnant. That shocks him. He tells her that their relationship was from November till January. Then they split up. Dwight went to New York and has an alibi (Dorothy was vermoord in het voorjaar) Chapter 9 Powell says that he knows Dorothy had another friend. He has the address of that guy. (Hij hoorde vriendinnen praten over de nieuwe vriend van Dorothy als iemand die iemand zoekt voor het geld. Bud heeft hen de hele tijd achtervolgd en hoorde dat Powell zijn adres ging ophalen) Chapter 10 Bud is in Powells apartment in the closet with a gun and shoots powell. Ellen sees Bud standing with the death body of Powell. Chapter 11 Bud tells her how he killed Dwight. Bud takes Ellen to the stolen car, and drives her out of town (he told Ellen that he would drive her home). Chapter 12 Gordon Gant talks to the police. He remembers a guy in Wisconsin Chapter 13 So Bud kidnapped Ellen and tells her about the murder of Dorothy. She is horrified. He kills her (near a steakhouse reopening in April). (Ellen is er niet achter gekomen dat hij een vriend van Dorothy was. Hij zat namelijk in een andere klas) Chapter 14 Gordon Gant is dismissed because he keeps talking about the police. They didn’t find anything. Leo and Marion Kingship are coming to Blue River. Chapter 15 Bud is at home, plans to go after Marion. (Hij heeft een kluisje in zijn kast met het bewijsmateriaal). (Hij schrijft voors en tegens op over hoe hij Marion gaat aanpakken). Part Three Chapter 1 Bud calls Marion and tells her he has a book of Ellen. They will see eachother in front of the statue at Rockefeller Center. Chapter 2 Bud meets Marion and he tries to push her. When she leaves Bud followed her because she said she had an another apointment. Chapter 3 Marion goes to a museum and he knows that she was going to that museum. He tries to make a meeting that looks like an accident. Chapter 4 Bud and Marion are beginning a relationship and Bud is invited for a dinner. Chapter 5 It’s Marion’s birthday and Bud takes her out Chapter 6 Bud and Marion going to be maried very soon, is a newspaper article telling. Chapter 7 Gordon Gant wants to speak Leo Kingship and goes to his office but Leo Kingship’s secretary, Mrs. Richardson, don’t want to let Gordon Gant enter Leo’s office. Then Gordon Gant writes a little note with on it “Dorothy and Ellen” and Leo let him in. Gordon Gant tells Leo that Bud has transferred from Stoddard University to Caldwell University and thinks that Marion doesn’t know that. Leo goes to Marion for asking she knows something about Stoddard and Caldwell. Chapter 8 When Leo asks Marion she says she didn’t know that Bud went from Stoddard to Caldwell. Leo defends Bud and Gordon Gant leaves. Chapter 9 Bud gets to know that Marion knows about his transfer from Stoddard to Caldwell. Chapter 10 Gordon Gant gets into the house of Bud’s mother and takes with him Bud’s strongbox (kluisje) Chapter 11 Gordon Gant, Marion and Leo find out that Bud murdered Dorothy and Ellen. Chapter 12 Bud, Leo, Marion and Gordon Gant are making a tour through the factory of Kingship. Chapter 13 Leo and Gordon Gant ask to Bud how he made Dorothy write her suicide-letter. Chapter 14 Bud confesses all what he did and jumps off the catwalk, hangs on to a cable, screams, and fell into the melted copper. Chapter 15 Marion and Gordon Gant go back to New York. Bud’s mother is in Marion’s house. “Where’s Bud?” she asked. |
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