Boekverslag : Kathryn Harrison - The Kiss
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 423 woorden.

1. Title and author

The Kiss, A Secret Life by Kathryn Harrison

Kathryn Harrison is a contemporary American writer. She lives in New York with her husband, the writer Colin Harrison, and their children.

2. Summary

This is a true story about a woman, the author, who slept with her father.

Kathryn Harrison, who did not really meet her father until she was 20, takes the reader on a difficult journey into her loveless childhood, her periods of anorexia and bulimia, and, eventually, to the incestuous 4 -year affair with her father.

The affair begins with a farewell kiss at an airport. It isn't a closed - lipped kiss, but a French kiss. This happens after the first time she really met her father, so when she's twenty years old. Harrison describes the paternal seduction that followed, the obsessive phone calls and letters, the sexual encounters.

Her father is an insatiable (=onverzadigbaar), narcissistic monster. But Kathryn had a very strange relationship with her mother too. Her mother wasn't emotional approachable, and that also marks Kathryn greatly. Kathryn's parents married very young and they divorced before she was one year old.

Finally, she finds the strength to release herself from her father when her mother dies of cancer and she comes to terms (vrede hebben met, zich neerleggen bij) with the fact that her mother, not her father, is the parent whose love she really craved (snakken naar). This is the result of the emotional wall Kathryn's mother had build between herself and her daughter.

Finally, Kathryn's life turns back to normal: she picks her studies up again and she maries Colin Harrison.

3. Main characters

Obviously, this is an autobiographic novel, so the main character is the author, Kathryn Harrison.

4. Theme

Kathryn Harrison has an incestuous relationship with her father.

She is emotional disturbed, because her mother wasn't able to show her emotions to her daughter.

5. Genre

An autobiography

6. Background

The story happens in America, but there are no specific places mentioned.

I think the story plays mainly in the beginning of the eighties, because her mother dies in 1985, so the affair starts in 1981. But she also tells about her childhood, so that's in the sixties and the seventies.

7. Personal appreciation

It's a great novel with an amazing story. It's rather easy to read and she phrases her feelings very clearly.

The fact that this story has really happened, gives it.
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