Boekverslag : Nicholas Evans - The Horse Whisperer / De Paardenfluisteraar
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 259 woorden.


On a morning Grace goes out riding with Judith. Unfortunately they are in aan accident. Judith and her horse die in this accident but Grace and her horse Pilgrim survive. Grace her right leg is amputated above the knee and Pilgrim is so badly mutilated and traumatized, even the veterinarian who saved his life now regrets this. Annie, Graces mother, doesn’t allow the veterinarian to put Pilgrim down because she fears if Pilgrim dies something inside Grace will die too. She hears about a man in Montana, a horse whisperer, who is said to be able to heal troubled horses. She takes Grace and Pilgrim with her on her search for this man. When she finally arrives at the ranch of Tom Booker he doesn’t want to help her at first but later he decides to help her after all. It takes quite some time to heal Pilgrim and while he heals so does Grace. Grace also learns to walk with a prosthetic and she takes up riding again. In the meanwhile Tom and Annie fall in love, but Annie is married to Robert, Graces father. When Grace finds out about the affair Tom and her mother are having, late in the evening she takes Pilgrim and rides out into the mountains. The next morning when they find out Grace is missing Tom rides out, together with his brother Frank, to find her. Together they find Grace but she is in trouble. While saving Grace Tom dies. In the end Annie has given birth to Matthew, Toms son.
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