Boekverslag : Anthony Bruno - Seven
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 1167 woorden.




Anthony Bruno

Number of pages


Date of first publication




Explain the title

The title Seven refers to the subject of the story; the seven deadly sins of life.

Who tells the story?

A third person, an 'all-knowing'-narrator.

Where does the story take place? Does the setting play a decisive role in the story?

The story takes place somewhere in America, but it doesn't effect the story, although it rains a lot in the story.

When does the story take place? Does it really make any difference (to the story) in which time it takes place?

I think the story took place somewhere in the nineties, because the killer kills people because they are too greedy, too pride etc. And that is something you see very often these days.

How much time passes between the beginning and the end of the story?

The story lasts seven days, because the story begins when the first of the seven murders is committed, and ends when the last one is committed. This takes seven days because the killer kills according to a ritual of one murder at a day. There is a chance that the story began earlier, but that's because the killer had abused a person for a year long and just let him live, and when his day came, he finished him, but the author doesn't show that.

Which part of the book did you find most interesting or fun?

I liked the whole book, but there was one part that really got me, the ending. That is because it is so unpredictable, because you see a man filled with hate against this person, holding a gun against him. And his companion tries to stop him from killing him, and normally he would succeed. Only this time he doesn't.....

Which part of the book was very bad or very uninteresting, according to you?

I really didn't find any part of the book uninteresting, it thrilled me till the end.

Suppose you had to choose: which character in the book would you like to be?

I wouldn't like to be a person of the story, but if I had to choose, I'd choose the killer. Not because he murders people, but because he is so intelligent and is always two steps ahead of the two detectives Somerset and Mills.

Mention one character from the book you dislike, or could eventually dislike?

I didn't quite like the person (Brad Pitt) the cop veteran (Morgan Freeman) had to work with, because he is too eager and doesn't listen well to Somerset (Freeman), while he has much more experience. 8)

Compare the main character(s) of the beginning of the story to those same characters at the end of the book. Have they / Has he or she changed? Have they / Has he or she learnt or achieved anything?

I think only one of the main characters has learned something, Somerset. He learned how to love again, he was very closed to everyone and he was bound to die alone because his wife died. But Mills' wife learned him to love again, by talking to him.

Could you indicate what kind of story/ play this is?


Is it possible to indicate a turning point in the story; a point from which things clearly start to change?

The only turning point in the story could be when the two detectives find out the killer acts according to the seven deadly sins, but that is not a clear change of things, because the two still can't keep up with the killer.

Do you feel the author has tried to teach you or explain something to you by writing this book? Or has he/she only tried to entertain you?

I don't think the author has tried to teach me anything, maybe the fact that in this world, the seven sins are too often seen.

Were you satisfied about the ending of the book?

I was very satisfied with the ending, because it didn't end the way at all I thought it would.

Would you recommend this book to anyone?

I surely would recommend this book to people, but only to people who can deal with horror-stories and brutal murders (not the committing of the murders, but the results).

Mark: 9


Only seven more days before detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) can retire. After twenty-three years of police work and way to much violence for one human life, he really needs his retirement. David Mills (Brad Pitt) on the contrary, just can't wait to give everything to fight crime. When they meet, they really can't get along, Mills is too eager and Somerset is too stubborn.

The two men have to investigate a particularly gruesome murder, in which a fat man was tied to his hand and feet and was forced to eat until he burst open. The killer had written 'gluttony' on the wall and he uses this to 'preach' gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins.

Soon, Somerset and Mills are investigating equally inventive murders involving greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath, these are the rest of the seven deadly sins . In each case, the murder method is appropriate and disgusting (one victim is forced to cut off a pound of his own flesh; another is tied to a bed for a year, but kept alive with very little food; a third, too proud of her beauty, is disfigured and then offered the choice of a call for help or sleeping pills). Somerset concludes that the killer is using his crimes to preach a sermon.

This serial killer is smart, intelligent, and wants to say something to the public. He wants to preach to the public about the Seven Deadly sins. The way he wants to preach is different than most. Rather than preaching at church he kills in grotesque fashion.

In this jungle of gloom, Somerset and Mills tread with growing alarm. Somerset intuits that the killer is using books as the inspiration for his crimes, and studies Dante, Milton and Chaucer for hints.

Eventually, it becomes clear that the killer's sermon is being preached directly to the two policemen, and in order to understand it, they may have to risk their lives and souls.

The seven deadly sins: Gluttony: The vice of excessive eating.

Greed: Inordinate or insatiate longing especially for wealth; covetous desire.

Sloth: Physical or mental inactivity; disinclination to action exertion.

Lust: To have a strong, excessive or inordinate desire.

Pride: To have a high or overweening opinion of one's own qualities, attainments or estate; inordinate self-esteem.

Envy: To feel envy at the superior advantages of; to regard with discontent another's possession of (some superior advantage).

Wrath: Anger displayed in action;; the manifestation of anger of fury especially by way of retributory punishment; vengeance.
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