Boekverslag : Ruth Rendell - The Best Man To Die
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 593 woorden.

I’ve read the book ‘The best man to die’ by Ruth Rendell. About 2 years ago I had already read one of her books in Dutch and I likes it, so that’s why I chose a book from her.

The book is about inspector Wexford. While he let his dog out he discovered a male corpse. A passer-by identified the body as Charlie Hatton. Charlie was knocked down with a stone. The day he was found he should have been the best man of his friend Jack, who was getting married. But because of this awful event the wedding didn’t take place.

While Wexford was investigating this case he found out that Charlie, who was a lorry-driver, had a very big bank account. Wexford wondered where Charlie had found all this money, because a lorry-driver doesn’t earn that much.

On May the 22nd he became 500£ richer, and from then on he paid each week 50£ into his account.

Wexford thought that, maybe, Charlie was blackmailing someone. And maybe there was a connection between Charlie’s case and the car accident that took place on the 21st of May and where 2 people died en only one woman, misses Fanshawe, survived. Was it a coincidence that this woman woke up after 6 weeks of coma the day before Charlie was killed?

And who was the other girl that died in the accident? Misses Fanshawe keeps saying that only she & her husband where in the car. And why did Charlie pay mister Vigo, a dentist, 250£ for a new set of false teeth?

It wasn’t an easy case for inspector Wexford.

After a long and difficult research they found out who this girl was. Her name was Bridget Culrose and on May the 18th she had gone to spend the weekend with her unknown boyfriend. . But there still wasn’t a connection between her and the Fanshawes. The only thing they knew was that Bridget called her boyfriend ‘Jay’ and that his wife had been in the hospital where Bridget worked.

And then, suddenly, everything became clear to Wexford: the real name of Jay was Jolyon Vigo. He and Bridget had spent a weekend together without Vigo’s wife knew it. On their way back they had a fight. Bridget fell on the ground and died. Vigo went home without Bridget. She was still lying on the motorway. But a couple of minutes later the Fanshawes drove home from their weekend of and when mister Fanshawe saw Bridget’s body on the way he tried to avoid to hit the girl. And that’s the reason of the accident. So Charlie started to Blackmail Vigo. But when misses Fanshawe woke up, he thought that maybe she would remember things, and that Charlie would decide to tell everything to the police. So he killed Charlie, the only person who knew what really happened.

I think this is a typical book for Ruth Rendell. It’s a detective, and she mostly writes about this theme. This isn’t the only book about Wexford either, she has written a lot of books with Wexford as main character.

The person I likes the most was Sheila, the daughter of Wexford, because she’s still a young girl and sometimes she says really funny things. But she isn’t one of the main characters.

I liked the book, but sometimes it was a bit complicated. There are a lot of different characters and the most of them don’t really speak ‘The Queen’s English’. But although I would certainly recommend it to others!!
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