Boekverslag : Christopher Hudson - The Killing Fields
De taal ervan is Nederlands en het aantal woorden bedraagt 431 woorden.

1a title: The killing fields

author: Christopher Hudson

publisher: Dell publishing Co.

edition: First printing, October 1984

number of pages: 287

b explain the title: The title refers to the places where the Khmer Rouge dumps the dead bodies.

2 The book is dedicated: For Rowley

3 Christopher Hudson was educated at King’s school Canterbury and Cambridge. In 1973 he wrote the screenplay for Overlord. His first novel was "The Final Act", published in 1980. His second novel, published in 1982, was "Insider Out".

4 Sydney Schanberg and his interpreter and friend Dith Pran are reporting the war in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge fights against the USA and wins. Pran, Sydney and some other reporters have to flee. Dith Pran saves their lives but when they try to leave using the French embassy. But Pran wasn’t allowed to come to. Pran survives the sort of work camp he has to work in. Then Vietnam attacks Cambodia. Pran manages to escape to Thailand where Sydney is waiting for him.


5 Time:

a The story plays from the summer of 1973 till the autumn of 1979.

Quotations: "Cambodia, Summer 1973" (p.11)

"Cambodia and the United States, Winter 1975-Autumn 1979" (p.211)

b There expires 6 years.

c The time passes chronological with a lot of leaps in time.

6 Place:

The story plays in Cambodia and in the United States.

Quotation: See the quotations by time.

7 Main characters:

Sydney Schanberg: He is a reporter of The New York Times. He is married and has a daughter. He reports the war in Cambodia. Dith Pran is his friend and interpreter. He is very true friend. He takes care of Pran’s family when the war is lost. He does everything to find Pran back.

Dith Pran: He is born in Cambodia. He is married and has children two children. He wants to be a good reporter like Sydney Schanberg. Sydney is also his best friend. He is very brave and inventive. He has to stay behind when everybody is evacuated. He survives the work camps of the Khmer rouge and sees a lot of people die. At the end he tries to escape with a little boy and some other people. They all die except Pran. He escapes to Thailand. Sydney is there.

Flat characters:

Swain and Rockoff: Two journalists who where also in Cambodia. They are the friends of Sydney and Pran.

8 Theme: War

9 Narrator: It is written in the personal perspective.

10 It was a good book. I learned much about the war in Cambodia. Everything was described very well.
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