Boekverslag : Sue Welford - Dreamstalker
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 824 woorden.

1. Title


2. Explanation of the title

Mary is trying to tell Nikki something in her dreams.

3. Author

Sue Welford

4. Stage

Young blackbirds 13-16 years old

5. Characters

Main character:

Nikki: she likes old people. She had always been fascinated by how old people had lived in the olden days. Medium height, short, mid-brown hair, straight nose, mouth a little too wide for her face. She’s about 14/15 years old.

Other characters:

Megan: the penfriend of Nikki. What she looks like wasn’t told in the book. She really not shy and I think very nice.

Simon: Blond hair, sticking out like straw. Megan’s stepbrother. He loves practical jokes and he’s most of the time a pain in the neck (thinks Megan). His conversation’s usually limited to talking about tractors and livestock. He’s very attached to Rebecca, About 15 years old.

Rebecca: thin as a stick, her face is a web of wrinkles, misted blue eyes and pale eyebrows. Skeletal, mottled hands. 90 years old. She’s not nice to other people.

Nipper: a female dog. Runs away all the time.

Bill: A tall man with a shock of graying hair. Rebecca is his aunt.

Mary keane: She looks like Nikki. Everyone thought she killed Victoria. She was cleared insane and put away.

Victoria Ann Seyton : a baby who died when she was very young. She was murdered (drowned).

Hazel: Megan’s mother. She’s friendly.

6. Time

I think not so long ago because there are big city’s and cars. I’m not sure.

7. Setting

In the country on Lone Barn Farm. That’s where Megan lives.

8. My opinion

I really like the book because I like exciting movies and this book looks like one very much! It’s a very exciting book only it’s a pity he’s in English, because that’s sometime difficult to understand and when it’s exciting I usually read very fast but in English I can’t, because then I don’t understand it anymore…

9. Summary

Nikki is going to stay with Megan for the holidays. They are penfriends. In the trainstation a gypsy girl tells her her horoscope: YOUR JOURNEY WILL BRING A NEW PURPOSE IN YOUR LIFE. YOU WILL FIND YOUR DREAMS WILL COME TRUE AND THERE WILL BE LIGHT IN YOUR DARKNESS. A PHOTO OR PICTURE WILL BRING YOU BY SURPRISE. DON’T BE TOO HEADSTRONG; YOUR INCLINATION TO ‘JUMP IN AT THE DEEP END’ COULD LEAD YOU INTO TERRIBLE TROUBLE. THE HELP YOU DESPERATELY NEED MAY COME FROM AN UNEXPECTED SOURCE. Later in the car she sees a person on the road and the almost drive into a lorry. No one else saw it. On the farm she’s hearing strange noises all the time but she thinks her mind is mixed-up by the open fields. In a dreams she hears footsteps in the attic (she’s sleeping with Megan in the room under the attic). She goes upstairs and there she saw a woman and she hears a baby cry from outside. She goes outside and there she ran around in the woods looking for the baby. Megan wakes her up and it turned to be a dream. The next night she wakes up again and hears footsteps and a baby crying again. She goes upstairs and there she stood still because she felt a spider on her foot. Then over her whole body and she almost goes insane. She ran outside and sees a path and then Megan woke her again. Megan and Nikki had to clean the attic. They find a picture of Rebecca. Nikki meets Rebecca and Rebecca almost goes crazy only by seeing Nikki. Nikki told Megan about her nightmare and they go in the woods looking for the path. They find an old church. In the church they find a stone with the writing: ‘IN MEMORY OF VICTORIA ANN SEYTON – AGED ONE YEAR. SHE WAS THE LIGHT IN OUR DARKNESS. At the attic they find a photo of the baby too. She’s convinced the house is haunted. Rebecca dies and Bill tells a story that the baby was murdered by Mary and it was Rebecca’s child. Mary looks just the same as Nikki. Nikki is shocked and runs outside. She hears the baby cry again and she goes into the woods. Mary is in her body and Nikki goes threw the same as Mary that night that the baby drowned. See sees a woman run with a baby and goes after her. The woman drowned the baby and Nikki try’s to help the baby but got trapped under water. Simon saved her because he saw her going into the woods. She tells the whole story to Simon and too that Rebecca is the one who killed the baby because she saw her running away. Simon is very shocked and they don’t understand why. Now the footsteps and strange noises are gone and everything is over. Her whole horoscope was wright!


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