Boekverslag :  - Go Ask Alice
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 751 woorden.

First print in 1972

The edition I read: Arrow Books 1991

Summary of the book

This book is about Alice. She is a fifteen-year old girl from the USA. She is not very popular at her school. Also her weight is too high, she thinks. She loves Roger, a boy from her school. Her father is going to have a new job and she is going to move to another place with her family. At her new school she can t get any new friends. Her first new friend is Beth. The summer after that Alice goes to her Gran and Gramps, her grandparents. Then she is going to use drugs. The first time was at a party with Jill. At that party she drank a coke with a kind of drug in it. At that party Alice meets Bill. He teaches her more about drugs and after a short time she is having sex with him. That was the first time she had sex with someone. She decides not to use drugs any more. After a short time she met Chris. They are going to work in the same shop. Chris has some friends too, which she met. Her friends, Ritchie and Ted, use drugs, as well as Chris. After a short time she is going to use drugs again. She even sells drugs to young children. Chris and Alice start a shop with jewellery, but they soon quit running the shop. After that they both go back to their family. She did not expect her mother was pleased to see her again, but her mother is very pleased. Later she is in love with a boy who is called Joel. Alice parents send her to a psychiatrist. Then she goes away from home and she meets Doris. But soon Alice goes home again. Then she starts a new diary, because she is trying to start a new life. Soon Gran and Gramps die. Then she used drugs again and she comes into a hospital. In that hospital many children are helped, because they used drugs before. At her birthday (20 September) she meets Joel again and it is going well between them. Three weeks later Alice died, at the age of 17, because of using too many drugs.

Explanation of the title

You can explain "Go ask Alice" by the fact Alice uses drugs. You should ask her if you have questions about drugs. The girl is named Alice. That name is from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland".


The genre of the book is psychological roman, because it is about the psychology of a girl who uses drugs. It is autobiographical too. The book is a diary.


Drugs, because Alice used many drugs.

Friends, because Alice meets many friends. At first she had not many friends. I think most of these friends are not real friends, because they only like her when she uses drugs.

Loneliness, because she sometimes feels lonely.

Depressed, because Alice often feels depressed.

Adults, because Alice is getting an adult.


The structure of the book is chronological, because it is a diary. There are no flashbacks or flashforwards.


There is one main character in this book: Alice. The other characters are not very in the book. Some other characters are Tim (brother), Alexandria (sister), Beth, Roger, Jill, Doris, Tom and Babby (she met them at the hospital).

Alice is the writer of the diary. She is 15 years old and at the end (when she dies) she is 17 years old. She is white. She can t stay away from the drugs. She lives in the USA and travels some times. I think she is a little egoistic, because she walked away from home. She didn t like her parents. She wants to look like her mother, but she is not very pretty. She was also not very popular at her school. She is often depressed, because of the drugs she uses. Not everything she wrote was true. After all she missed her parents and went back to them. She likes her grandparents very much. After a short time I think she was going to love girls more than boys, but that was not true.


The book plays in the USA. I don t know exactly where it plays.


The book plays in the years 60, because the book was published in 1972. Then there were 2 years between Alice death and the year the book was published.

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