Boekverslag : Micheal Coleman - Double Trouble
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 588 woorden.


1. The title of the book is:

- Double trouble

2. The name of the writer of the book is:

- Micheal Coleman

3. There are 56 pages in the book.

4. The book is published by:



5. The story takes place in London in Engeland.

6. The story takes place in 1992.

7. The story last about one day.

8. The main characters of the book are:

-Mitch: about his age is not spoken. He has black hair, boots and a black jack. He looks like Johny Power, a famous popstar.

-Beth: about her age is not spoken. She wear exeptional clothes and she is a friend of Mitch.

- Johny Power: about his age is not spoken, he looks like Mitch and is a popstar.

-Chuck Lucas: about his age is not spoken. He is little and an ex FBI agent, he is now a bodyguard of Johny Power.

9. The most important minor characters in the book are:

-Carol Grants: She also works for Johny Power.

-Tony Lawrence: He is the Manager of Johny Power.

10. Mitch is suddenly attacked and they take him to a place. The bind him on a chair and Mitch asked by himself why are they doing this?

Then they hear the voice of a woman who says that they let him go when they pay money. Then she called somebody by phone and she said that she knows how Johny Power looks like. The whole story starts 6 months ago when he knowed he looks like Johny Power. He could eat for free and do others things for free. And now they think he is Johny Power. Then Beth gets a postcard that she had to deliver to the balmoral suite. Lucas opened the door and read the postcard and said it’s a joke. Then Johny Power came by the door and lucas said he is just here. Then Beth thought of Mitch. When Mitch did not came to his work, Beth was going to find him but she could not find him. Then she got help from Lucas and they went to the man from the postcard. Beth still knew that he was going to the 11th floor . She knocked on the door and suddenly she heard from behind that she should surrender. In the room where Mitch, the man from the postcard, the woman and the second man who attackted Mitch.

Than the man, who had attacked Mitch, turned around and then they saw it was Johny Power. He told who everybody was. Then he told he was doing this because he didn’t like somebody to be exactly like him and that he wanted to learn Mitch a lesson.

Then they all went downstairs, but when they came out the elevator there was a man with a gun who shut Mitch down and everybody turned back.

In the hospital Lucas explained that the man was a killer who had to kill Johny Power. The police arrested him.

11. It is a detective story.

12. There are two Johny Powers and that give problems. That is why I think it is a good title.


13. I choose those pages because they are very scary and not difficult to tead. (I put the pages on the next page)

14. The book wasn’t very good but easy enough to read. There wasn’t much fantasy.

15. I will give this book a 6 because it isn’t a very good story and it was boring.

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