Boekverslag : Charles Dickens - David Copperfield
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David Copperfield


Charles Dickens

Number of pages



Chapter 1:

David Copperfield was born. His father died when he was very young. His mother married with Mr. Murdstone and David hates his stepfather because he is mean.

Chapter 2:

David has to go to school from Mr. Murdstone. David is hidden by his stepfather and his

Mother doesn’t anything against it.

Chapter 3:

David goes to school; the name of the school was Salem house. He have to wear a board

With the words: he bites. He gets some friend, Traddles and Steerthforth.

Chapter 4:

David goes home and he gets a brother. He may not touch, because his stepfather is afraid that David will hurt the baby. His brother died en his mother too. David has to live with his stepfather, but he isn’t nice to David. David may not go to school because it is too expensive, his stepfather says.

Chapter 5:

David has to go to work from Mr. Murdstone and David lives with Mr. Micawber. The work was hard and he earns not much. He goes away from his work and he goes to his aunt, Mrs. Trotwood.

Chapter 6:

David stays with his aunt and starts a new live. Mr. Murdstone and his sister come to ask David come home, but David wants to stay with his aunt. David goes to school again. It is a nice school and David makes many friends.

Chapter 7:

David studied the law and he visits Mr. Micawber. He finished his study. He visit Pegotty, he doesn’t she her for a long time.

Chapter 8:

David goes out with Steerhforth but he is very drunk. He falls in love with Dora.

Chapter 9:

David visits Traddles and it appears that Mr. Micawber his neighbour is. David gets a letter from Mr. Micawber and he read that Mr. Micawber many money problems have.

Chapter 10:

David goes visit Mrs. Pegotty because her husband (Barkis) died. Emily leaves Ham and goes away with Steerthforth. David wants to marry Dora.

Chapter 11:

David tells Dora that he is a poor man and Dora doesn’t know it. David asks for Dora her hand and her father think that David only wants her money. Dora her father died.

Chapter 12:

Uriah Heep want to marry Agnes and Agnes’ father will be blackmail by Uriah Heep. David founds out that Dora needs class because she can’t do anything by herself.

Chapter 13:

David married Dora and because Dora can’t keep house there’s came a housekeeper, but they are fired every time.

Chapter 14:

David and Dora get a baby but he died. Emily comes back. Dora is been sick, but she is better.

Chapter 15:

Dora is very sick and died. Ham and Steertforth drown by a ship is sink.

Chapter 16:

David married with Agnes and he is very happy and he gets 5 children.


David Copperfield: principal person.

Mrs. Pegotty: The housekeeper from the family Copperfield.

Miss Trotwood: David’s aunt

Mr. Murdstone: David’s stepfather

Mr. Pegotty: Mrs. Pegotty’s brother.

Emily: The daughter of a sister of Mr. Pegotty and she lives with Mr. Pegotty because her parents died.

Ham: A cousin of Mr Pegotty he lives with Mr Pegotty too.

Traddles: A friend of David.

Steerthforth: A friend of David

Mr Micawber: The person where he lives when he works. Later a friend

Uriah Heep: The clerk of Mr. Wickfield. Mr Wickfield is a judge. David know him from the time that he studied.

Agnes: His 2nd wife.

Dora: His 1st wife.

I don’t like the book very much, because many people died and at the end David lost many friends. The book was easily and I don’t hate to read it. I can understand it.
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