Boekverslag : Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man And The Sea / De Oude Man En De Zee
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 571 woorden.

I. What is the setting?

time : 1950-1960

place : In Cuba and then in the village where Santiago lives and on the sea

II. Explain the title:

The story is about an old man, Santiago who is fishing on the sea.

III. What is the theme of the novel?

The people in the village of the old man think that on Santiago a curse rests. He would show that that’s not true.

IV. Did you like the book ? Give reasons from the contents of the book(>20 words)

I do not like the book. The author has written very long-windedly. It is exciting when the man fights with the fish.

V. Imagine you are the writer of the book. Which passage did you write with most pleasure? Why?

When Santiago sees the fish and tries to catch it. Then a lot of things happen.

VI. Which character in the book do you admire / detest ? What qualities do you like / dislike? Please explain :

I admire Manolin because he loves the old man en helps him. He learned much about fishing. He gives the old man food.

VII. Think of an alternative title for this book and explain this new title.

new title : Fight with a fish

explanation : The old man fights with a fish because he won't show that he is a lucky man. It’s the important thing of the story

VIII. Tell in at least 75 words how the book ends .

The old man catches the fish and hangs it on the rowboat. The sharks smells the blood and eats the fish. The old man tries to kill the sharks but he can’t. Then he goes home and thinks that the people won’t believe him when he tells about the fish. Manolin cares about him, gives him food and a bed. The people see the skeleton and believe him. The man is very tired so he sleeps very well.

IX. Photocopy one page from a favourite / striking passage (Not first or last pages) Add it to this report.

Explain your selection :

Here see you how different it is how an old man thinks and how young persons think about the sea. The man loves the sea and calls it a she, the young persons think that the sea is a enemy.

(Copy unavailable)

X. In question VIII you described the real end of the book. Now think of a different ending. Use your imagination and tell in at least 150 WORDS how the book could also have ended according to you.

I saw the fish. I must catch her. But it is very difficult and I do not know how I must catch the fish. I do it with the harpoon. The old man takes the harpoon and looks around to find the fish. He did not see her. Unexpectedly he sees her. He points the harpoon and shoots. But he misses. He starts crying. He shoot out! What had happened? What did he do wrong? What must he do now? He was really upset. Now people did not accept me. He went home. When he came home Manolin sees the old man without a fish. He goes away and thinks: ‘Now I believe my parents, he is an unlucky man and there is a curse on Santiago’. The people ignore him. He feels ashamed and sorrowful. He think about himself ‘I can’t do anything right. I fail again.’
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