Boekverslag : Aldous Huxley - Island
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 292 woorden.

The story

This time Huxley isn't pessimistic but passionately optimistic, one could argue "overly." The book deals with the island Pala, in the Far East. The society on this island is an utopia. The main character, Will Farnaby, a journalist, shipwrecks and ends up on this island.

Everyone on this island is happy and for every single problem in the Western world they have the perfect solution. When I say every I really mean every problem, and also really the perfect solution . . .

But there's also intrige as Will is faced with the dillema whether to report Pala's huge oil resources, in which the inhabitants of the island are not interested, which would probably end the whole utopia.

The end does come, although not because of Will, who refrains from his plans to promote use of the island's oil resources. But the island is taken over by Colonel Dipa, religion and greed infects, infests and finally shatters the utopia.

The main character

There's not too much to say about the characters in this book. That's because most of the chapters are just an excuse for the characters to hold lectures about how swell everything is on Pala.

But it does become clear that Will feels regret for having had an affair before coming to Pala, and he does the right thing not to execute his plans of promoting Pala's oil resources.

My opinion

The interesting thing is that many of the solutions which are mentioned in the book also appeared in Brave new world, Huxley's dystopia, but the difference is that now they co-exist with personal freedom, equality and self actualisation. Another sign of this is that the drug in his dystopia was soma, to sedate, while in Island the drug is moksha, a mind altering drug, for 'enlightenment'.
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